Butwhythe Volcano

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Butwhythe Volcano
Make a Good Level X3
Contest Entry
MaGLX3 134th.png
Author:Doctor Novakaine
Rank:134 / 152
Score:43+ε / 120
  • Sturg: 40 / 120
  • Zatsupachi: 44 / 120
  • Rameau's Nephew: 45 / 120
Star Coins:None
Difficulty:2.5 / 5
Length:2 / 5
Characters:Mario, Luigi
Terms used: 
  • Location: Volcano
  • Adjective: Enormous
  • NPC: Bony Beetle
  • Bonus: Swooper
Music used: 
Super Metroid - Crateria (The Space Pirates Appear)
Tier: 2 - Slumber Sea Abyss
Previous: 135th - Demonic Gathering 2
Next: 133rd - Bridge Crossing

Butwhythe Volcano is a Make a Good Level X3 contest entry, submitted by Doctor Novakaine. The player may choose between Mario or Luigi.


Score table

Judge Design Creativity Aesthetics Gimmick Total
Sturg 14 / 50 6 / 30 3 / 20 17 / 20 40 / 120
Zatsupachi 20 / 50 5 / 30 7 / 20 12 / 20 44 / 120
Rameau's Nephew 16 / 50 11 / 30 7 / 20 11 / 20 45 / 120
Overall 16.67 / 50 7.33 / 30 5.67 / 20 13.33 / 20 43 / 120

Judge comments


Butwhy though, andwhy no space between them? This feels like the skeleton of a level, where the obstacles are there, but nothing else was added onto it. The platforming is fun, at the very least, if not a bit repetitive. I could see this scoring better if the presentation had been given a bit more attention. Like, there's no music in the 2nd half? Simple stuff to add to the setting is kinda needed to make your level appealing.


Pure platforming action and that's kinda it. This level said hi and just left. The vertical climb is one of the most irritating things to do and the checkpoint is all the way down at the base of the section, there isn't even music to at least set the mood.

Rameau's Nephew

Suffers from holding a little too doggedly to its primary concepts with minimal variation. The first half has a little more vim and variety, although, despite what Random Luigi tells you, you can avoid most of the obstacles in the latter part by waiting a bit after activating Your Ride and jumping on top rather than assuming the role of The Dangling Dingus. The steam appears to run out in the second half, where the level is reduced to a repetitive series of Boney Beetle Bops interspersed with the occasional Swoomper Stomp. The excuse plot remains without excuse resolution.

+ First part does have some concepts
- Second part does not
- Your Ride is eminently cheesable

Other: The existence of Random Luigi seems to imply the existence of other, more deliberate Luigis.

Author's notes

Level: Butwhythe Volcano

Box Items:
Location - Volcano
Adjective - Enormous
NPC - Bony Beetle
4th - NPC - Swooper

Filters: No power-ups other than bigness

Characters: Mario and Luigi only (other characters not confirmed to be able to beat the stage)